
Monday, January 30th, 2023

5 day temperature forecast

The AVG daytime is the temperature average from 7:00 to 20:00.

Friday, September 11th, 2020

map test

Here we go:

[tsmap user=orux]

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Rhino modelling using SketchUp push pull technique

A friend of mine who has been a long time SketchUp user has recently asked me how to do push pull in Rhino. Here is my take:

  1. Execute the command SplitFace
    1. If you want to split by a line, simply draw it (activate Near or other OSnap recommended)
    2. You have the option to split by an existing (previously drawn) curve
  2. Execute the command ExtrudeSrf
    1. You can now push or pull, depending if you extrude outwards on inwards
    2. If you want to replicate the SketchUp mass modelling behaviour, activate the options Solid and Delete Input

This post would look nicer with some images, I will add them if I have time. In the meanwhile, keep Rhinoing!

Saturday, March 31st, 2018

Colorize a GPS track according to its slope

I like to ride my bicycle, specially in mountains. Being able to understand quickly with a glance to the GPS screen what lies ahead is important, so I give you this strategy to colorize the track according to its degree of difficulty slope wise. Uphill is painted with hot colors and going down is read by cool colors.

  1. Go to the excellent GPS Visualizer website, “Make a Map – Google Earth” option.
  2. In the General map parameters tab, set “Add DEM elevation data:” to “best available source”
  3. In the Track options tab, click “show advanced track options [+]”
  4. “Colorize by:” -> “Slope”
  5. “Custom spectrum file (URL):” -> I suggest using a gradient created by me, but you can use whichever. Paste this “https://pedroazambujavarela.net/imgs/gradient06.png”
  6. In the Upload your GPS data files here tab, choose your GPS track file
  7. Finally, click Create KML here, and click the presented file to download it.


Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 13.16.40

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