I created a quick Google Sheet to calculate the end time of a process based in the percentage done and time elapsed. Free for anyone to use!
I created a quick Google Sheet to calculate the end time of a process based in the percentage done and time elapsed. Free for anyone to use!
Another take on the problem of shaping a list of numbers according to a graph visual definition. The reason for not applying a Graph Mapper component directly deals with the way Graph Mapper has its settings adjusted. These are accessible through a double-click on the component, disallowing any kind of parametric adjustments (as with the […]
I use kumu for research, which enables me to organize information and find interesting relations through clusters. For a clear organization of all the information, I input everything in a spreadsheet, much like in a database. I even include the images in the Google spreadsheet as URL’s, that kumu then renders in nice round thumbnails. Sometimes […]
Contrary to most people I meet, I am a Magic Mouse fan. I never had any wrist pain, and I love the 2D touch scroll. Having said that, the mouse comes with some incompatibilities with graphical software packages, namely Blender and Rhino Grasshopper. This post is about the latter. To make the Grasshopper canvas Zoom […]
Researching implies producing lots of PDF’s. Sometimes these PDF’s are exported without much control and become several MB large, which is inconvenient to send out to some else (e-mail) or even to the cloud or a printer. To deal with this issue, a common solution is to down sample the images in your PDF to […]
While using Grasshopper, I’ve been many times confronted with the task of smoothly varying a list of number to achieve some formal effect through number control. Be it a curvature or height control, the problem here deals with easily transforming a list of numbers into another with some of the values smoothly changed. I decided […]
A friend of mine who has been a long time SketchUp user has recently asked me how to do push pull in Rhino. Here is my take: Execute the command SplitFace If you want to split by a line, simply draw it (activate Near or other OSnap recommended) You have the option to split by an existing (previously drawn) […]
Dithering is a technique to avoid banding or moire patterns. This technique consists in a probabilistic choice of values instead of a deterministic one. Photoshop has a dithering filter called “Spatter”, while Gimp offers precise options for dithering purposes. However, using an external image editor to reduce the range of a number of values is […]
This is my self-explanatory solution to the problem (Union all of the data, and put them in each branch wether match or not). I decided to post this 2013 solution of mine after watching a 2014 C# tackling of the problem.
The AVG daytime is the temperature average from 7:00 to 20:00.
I created a quick Google Sheet to calculate the end time of a process based in the percentage done and time elapsed. Free for anyone to use! Google Sheet – Process time calculator
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