An experiment within the DFL.
Project coordination: José Pedro Sousa
Design team: Pedro de Azambuja Varela, Pedro Martins
Photographs: Carlos de Albuquerque Castro
An experiment within the DFL.
Project coordination: José Pedro Sousa
Design team: Pedro de Azambuja Varela, Pedro Martins
Photographs: Carlos de Albuquerque Castro
This paper focuses on the development of a BIM (Building Information Modeling) tool for stereotomic design, aiming to create a bridge between academic research and practical implementation of stereotomy in the construction sector. The creation of a stereotomic BIM tool enhances the use of compressive materials within funicular shapes to minimize reliance on carbon-intensive steel-reinforced […]
Competition entry developed with Ana Costa e Silva, AnnaLisa Meyboom and David Correa. With two projects we want to create a dialogue and, in that sense, a symbolic unity, departing from the same generative design, arriving to two variations adapted to each landscape. The projects set up a dialogue – a friendly exchange between friends, […]
This paper describes the theory and practical experiments on the development of a system for the deployment of stereotomic voussoirs. The recent availability of digital design and fabrication tools has enabled architects to embrace stereotomic thinking, allowing for the efficient spanning of spaces with low tensile capable materials such as stone. The proposed fabrication system […]
Aimed at a couple connected to the restaurant business, this project was born out of the need to reconvert a traditional flat into a different living space, where the kitchen and living room are in the same environment. Thus, following the integration of these two areas in the same space, the impetus arose to make […]
Final thesis of the Architecture course at Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto.
We live today in a world with extreme energetical and environmental challenges. Recognizing the irresponsible usage of reinforced concrete is one of the first steps to solving this problem, and tackling alternative solutions is the second. Here, we propose structural stone slabs. This functional model is a prototype for a (re)new(ed) kind of slab. Taking […]
This arch was built in the DFL to showcase the possibilities of 3D printed customized joints. 144 joints were modelled automatically with a custom crafted algorithm and printed on site. The metal plates were laser cut. This work was developed together with Prof. Dr. José Pedro Sousa and João Carvalho. It is feature in this […]
Between the geological earth and the rubble turned ground, architecture happens. It is in the cycles that happen between those two moments that the Flying Earth proposal is developed. Addressing the Trienalle challenges, it explores how the Earth’s most sourceable matter may provide the human being with an infinitely available and carbon-free material, contributing to […]
This chair is a retake on the famous Hardoy model, the butterfly chair. This model was designed together with Joana Fraga for Pearl Cork .
A reusable mold methodology to the production of customized voussoirs using HoloLens Mass customizing of building components allows new conditions to explore aesthetic and sustainability in architecture. However, such possibilities tend to require the use of expensive and heavy digital fabrication machinery, which is mostly available in the most regions on the planet. In this […]
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