An experiment within the DFL.
Project coordination: José Pedro Sousa
Design team: Pedro de Azambuja Varela, Pedro Martins
Photographs: Carlos de Albuquerque Castro
An experiment within the DFL.
Project coordination: José Pedro Sousa
Design team: Pedro de Azambuja Varela, Pedro Martins
Photographs: Carlos de Albuquerque Castro
This is the video stream of short talk I gave in Vienna. The talk was about an experience developed at the DFL with José Pedro Sousa, about the possible digital flow in architecture projects that deal with stone heritage. Original video stream here:
Lecture in the APROGED annual encounter about the Gauss Curvature and new ways of communicating it through Grasshoppper visualization. Lecture in April 2013
Architecture project by Pedro de Azambuja Varela This is an ongoing project for the reconversion of an old barn into a house. It is located in a private rural property, and the strategy lies in respecting the traditional construction techniques while adapting them to a contemporary look.
A renewed interest in stereotomy, narrowly entwined with digital technologies, has allowed for the recovery and proposal of new techniques and expressions in this building approach. A new classification scheme for stereotomy research allows for the framing of various aspects related to this discipline, including a newly developed fabrication system specially tailored for the wedge-shaped […]
Presentation in the Digital Darq event. Showcase of personal research on cork stereotomies.
Publication and communication of article “Genetic Algorithms in Architecture – History and Relevance”. Lecture in April 2013
Poster presented in the Nexus 2012 – Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics. This presentation was about the relation of a complex geometry with constructive constraints.
This paper focuses on the development of a BIM (Building Information Modeling) tool for stereotomic design, aiming to create a bridge between academic research and practical implementation of stereotomy in the construction sector. The creation of a stereotomic BIM tool enhances the use of compressive materials within funicular shapes to minimize reliance on carbon-intensive steel-reinforced […]
We live today in a world with extreme energetical and environmental challenges. Recognizing the irresponsible usage of reinforced concrete is one of the first steps to solving this problem, and tackling alternative solutions is the second. Here, we propose structural stone slabs. This functional model is a prototype for a (re)new(ed) kind of slab. Taking […]
This chair is a retake on the famous Hardoy model, the butterfly chair. This model was designed together with Joana Fraga for Pearl Cork .
All content © Copyright 2025 by Pedro de Azambuja Varela.
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