Assistance in 3D modelling and fabrication. The intersection of technological development with sustainability has reached complex times that postulate a wider scope in conceptual and practical terms. Imagining and producing sustainable technologies lies now on the ability of technical and social domains to merge their own concerns and solutions with no bias. Our collective futures […]
Lecture in the APROGED annual encounter about the Gauss Curvature and new ways of communicating it through Grasshoppper visualization. Lecture in April 2013
Presentation of the article “Genetic Algorithms in Architecture – History and Relevance”. About Arquibio 2013 The fourth edition of ArquiBio, an event that took off in recent years an international dimension, is jointly organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra and collaborators linked to several European and American universities. This […]
WORKYOURFOLIO – PORTFOLIO DESIGN WORKSHOP Pedro Guinapo, Arq. ULHT | Pedro de Azambuja Varela, Arq. FAUP O portfolio design workshop é desenhado para auxiliar os participantes a navegar nos aspectos conceptuais e práticos da montagem de um portfolio. O workshop irá expor um conjunto de estratégias à organização do portfolio desde a preparação do seu […]
Intensive course with the purpose of teaching the BIM approach through the software ArchiCAD. The students were not acquainted with the software and should end the 16 hour programmr with capabilities of building a BIM model with informed components, such as slabs, walls and windows, with a printable layout. This course was taught at Espaço2D […]
This is the video stream of short talk I gave in Vienna. The talk was about an experience developed at the DFL with José Pedro Sousa, about the possible digital flow in architecture projects that deal with stone heritage. Original video stream here:
The School of Architecture of Aarhus organized this year 2014 its second edition of HARD CO(u)R(s)E DIGITAL, a set of workshops focused in digital technologies in a pre-holiday format. The key factors in the CorkVault workshop were the use of ICB (Insulation Cork Board), a 5-axis waterjet cutter and Kangaroo along with Grasshopper, so that a full-scale […]
In 18th May, I will lecture a workshop in Lisbon, within the GEOMETRIAS’ 14 cycle of conferences. From the website: “Connexions between complex geometries and the most advanced digital technologies allow the introduction of new multidisciplinary approaches in teaching, researching and the professional practice of the related creative areas. What role is there, nowadays, for […]
At the request of Prof. Alexandra Paio, two lectures were given to the students of the 3rd grade of Architecture. The purpose was to accomplish an exercise on Shape Grammars, yelding very interesting results. These lectures were carried out in May 2013
At the 4000 Ateliers event, along with AZVAvisuals, Espaço2D organized its first workshop focused on the visualization of architecture. Following the work developed in the professional activity, the software used was Blender, an opensource 3D animation tool, with characteristics similar to 3ds Max or Maya. The aim of the workshop was the introduction to Blender, […]
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